therapy for work stress and generational trauma in oregon

let’s be honest for a sec:

You’re starting to wonder whether you’re using work to avoid your feelings…and the resentment is building.

You wonder whether you’re a workaholic as you ruminate on how much more fun - or at least more balanced - your life used to be. The time spent at your local coffee shop with your friends, the weekly family phone call you used to have, the last time you wrote some music or created something in your free time…when was the last time you did any of these things? You used to swear you’d never become a workaholic, and yet…here you are.

maybe you…

Never wanted work to take over your life, but it has

You’re resentful and angry that surviving capitalism means you have to work so much…but also, if you’re being honest with yourself, you know you’ve taken on projects or worked extra hours that you didn’t really need to.

Are tired of the unnecessary competitiveness at work

You see your co-workers or bosses being cutthroat, and that’s not how you want to do things as a sensitive-hearted person. You know that, while you’re great at your job, you’d never crush others to level up professionally.

Are frustrated by loved ones’ reactions when you explain why the microaggressions at work bother you

You’re often met with, “Well, at least you’re making good money!” or, “That’s just how it is”, and hearing those sentiments is getting harder to deal with, because it doesn’t match with how you actually feel inside. You’re feeling distant from your loved ones, and you wish so badly that you could share more and feel heard.

I’M rani.

I believe you don’t have to keep settling.

I know you’ve been a motivated self-starter with a deeply caring heart. Even when you were a kid, people called you an “old soul” or “mature for your age”. You did everything you were supposed to do: you went to school, got the degrees, secured the job, and started making that dream salary you’d been chasing for years.

But you’ve been feeling disconnected from your loved ones. It’s hard to feel vulnerable in your relationships, and the microaggressions at work are making you increasingly frustrated.

I work with millennial and Gen Z professionals of color and mixed race professionals to transform frustrating, confusing, or possibly even traumatizing patterns at work, in their interpersonal relationships, and within their family/cultural lineage.

  • Feel more confident and decisive with the help of a trained therapist you can trust

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  • Move through familial and generational wounds to access generational wisdom and healing.

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  • Allow your body to process and release stressful and overwhelming experiences from the past so you can feel more connected with yourself and others

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Here’s how I can help:

Let’s make therapy simple.


Reach out

Review my FAQs and good fit checklist to see if we’d be a good fit. Then, reach out using my contact form or by emailing me. We’ll have a free, 30-minute video consultation to see if we both agree that we’d be a good fit.


Get to work

If we both agree we’ll be a good fit, we’ll schedule and then have a 90-minute assessment appointment. After that, our weekly sessions will start.


See change

Watch yourself begin to make choices that are more in alignment with your values of living a more balanced life. Feel more confident with being vulnerable and feeling more connected to loved ones.

Ready to get started?

You’re worth it.



Portland Therapy Center Member