Improve awareness & restore grounding.

You’re beginning to dread going to work, and the money isn’t enough anymore.

The constant assumptions made about you and your culture are exhausting. The covert (and sometimes overt) questioning of your knowledge and expertise is weighing on your spirit. You’re an ambitious person, but it’s draining to be in a high-intensity workplace that demands so much of your energy.

You’ve taken on extra hours or extra projects. Maybe you told yourself it would help you secure a promotion down the line, but if you’re being totally honest with yourself, a part of you knows you took on the work to be seen as more competent.

You’re tired of feeling caught in this cycle:

  • Walking on eggshells around your co-workers or your boss

  • Spending more of your free time ruminating on workplace conflicts and workplace politics

  • Feeling isolated from your friends, family, and loved ones

how i can help

Addressing work stress can help you be more attuned to your needs and live the life you want.

Because you’re a sensitive-hearted soul who’s had to suppress certain emotions, we take our time building trust and rapport so we can get to the heavy stuff. I often hear, “Reaching out to you and seeking therapy were big steps for me.”

I help clients not only identify what triggers their work stress, but also notice their body’s responses.

I guide you through the process of getting in touch with your inner world and listening to what it has to tell you.

imagine if you…

Understood the impact of work on your identity

Work with someone who understands what you’re going through. Start to trust your innate wisdom of who you are again.

Could stop feeling so distanced from your deeper emotions

Your sensitive heart and your ambition are strengths - get reacquainted with how they interact with all of your emotions (even the ones that are “difficult” to feel fully).

Felt connected to others again

When we feel more connected to our bodies and our emotions, we can feel more confident and safe with being vulnerable with loved ones.

I want you to know:

Change is possible.

Let’s work together.


Common questions about therapy for work stress

  • Yes! I love working with those of you who are first-timers in therapy, and I’ve had a lot of experience working with folks who have never been in therapy before.

  • Nope! Talking about work stress doesn’t mean I’ll be telling you what to do with your life or which career path to choose. What we will do is process the impact of your work stressors.

  • Go to my Contact page or email me directly at to ask additional questions or inquire about scheduling your free 30-minute video consultation.

Ready to get started?

Your relationships are worth it.